Player Shop for Sale
Player shops are available on every server. They can be found near spawn or accessed using /warp shops in-game. They range in price from 20K to 60K depending on the size and location of the shop plot.
How to Purchase[]
All shops can be purchased by left clicking on the sign marking the shop plot for sale. You must have enough money in you account to purchase the plot.
/as help (Shows useful commands in-game) /as rent (Rents the shop plot your standing in) * /as unrent (Un-rents the shop plot your standing in) * /as buy (Buys the shop plot your standing in) /as sell (Sells the shop plot you are standing in) NOTE: If anything is left in the plot it will stay there for the next owner. /as me (Shows what shop plots you own on that server) /as info (Shows information about the plot you are standing in) /as tp (Will teleport you to your shop plot) /as settp (Use to set the tp into your shop plot) /as addfriend (Add a friend to your region. This will enable them to build/destroy and open chests) /as delfriend (Remove a friend from your region) /as find (Will help you find an open shop plot for rent) /as resell (Allows you to resell your player shop. Unlike /as sell this one will not give you the money for your plot intill a player purchase's it) /as stopresell (Takes your player shop off the market to be sold.