The following setups are now banned in conjunction with chunk loaders (You may use online only (iron block) chunk loaders with these setups): This is to help eliminate any unnecessary lag for when you're offline.
- Any type of excessive item generation to be used for scrap in the IC2 recycler
- Any AE2 autocrafting
- Excessive mob farms
- Excessive power generation setups (ex. mass squid farms)
- Any person with chunkloader access who has been offline more than 7 days may have their chunkloaders removed based on staff's discretion.
- Any person with chunkloader access may NOT place these for other members. They are for your use ONLY.
Note: this may be added to in the future so please continue to check this thread for updates to this policy.
Generally if your base isn't notoriously laggy from our profiling reports you will be in the clear.
Keep in mind, if you break any of our chunkloader policies we will not only break the chunk loaders, but you may also lose all rights to utilize them in the future.
Posted Feb 15, 15 · OP · Last edited Sep 5, 15