DeVco Wiki
Crundee Craft
Author SSundee, MrCrainer, Kehaan
Launcher Curse, FTB
Host Date 21st July 2015
Server IP
Server IP (Alternative)


  • This pack is the pack being used in the series Crundee Craft, made by SSundee and Mr Crainer.

Mod List[]

  1. Applied Energistics 2
  2. Archimedes' Ships
  3. Artifacts
  4. Bibliocraft
  5. Big Reactors
  6. Biomes O' Plenty
  7. Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry
  8. Botanic Garden
  9. Buildcraft
  10. Carpenter's Blocks
  11. ChickenChunks
  12. Chisel 2
  13. Chocolate Quest
  14. Dark Menagerie
  15. Deadly World
  16. Decocraft
  17. Divine RPG
  18. Doggy Style
  19. Draconic Evolution
  20. Ender IO
  21. EnderStorage
  22. Extra Utilities
  23. Forbidden Magic
  24. Fossils and Archeology Revival
  25. Galacticraft Core
  26. Galactricraft Planets
  27. Growthcraft
  28. Growthcraft Apples
  29. Growthcraft Cellar
  30. Growthcraft Grapes
  31. Growthcraft Hops
  32. Hats
  33. Infernal Mobs
  34. Inventory Pets
  35. Irish Luck
  36. Iron Chest
  37. ItFellFromTheSky
  38. Iguana Tinker Tweaks
  39. JABBA
  40. Lucky Blocks
  41. Magical Crops
  42. Malisis' Doors
  43. Minecraft Comes Alive
  44. Minefactory Reloaded
  45. Morph
  46. Nether Ores
  47. OpenBlocks
  48. Pam's Harvestcraft
  49. Random Things
  50. Redstone Arsenal
  51. Reliquary
  52. TheSecretRoomsMod
  53. Tinker's COnstruct
  54. Thaumcraft
  55. Thaumic Energistics
  56. Thermal Dynamics
  57. Thermal Expansion
  58. Thermal Foundation

Tinker's Mechworks

  1. Tropicraft
  2. The Twilight Forest
  3. Vein Miner
  4. Witchery


Navigation (Summary)
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Nav2 Modpacks Questing Agrarian Skies 2RegrowthSkyFactory 2Space Astronomy
Sandbox Crundee CraftDeVco ModpackDirewolf20InfinityResonant Rise 3 MainlineTekkit LegendsVanilla
Nav3 Mods Magic Blood Magic
Misc ExtraTiCTinker's Construct
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