- Kits are useful bundles of items.
- Example items include food, tools, equipment, infrastructure, and materials.
- Each server has one kit which is free to all players:
/kit tools
or/kit starter
. - Additional kits can be bought in the Reward Store. (http://devcoftb.com/rewards#kits).
- The wiki categorizes these into VIP Kits and Themed Kits.
- Some kits incur a cooldown on use, others are single-use.
Free Kits
Tools and Starter
Agrarian Skies 2: Quest book, oak sapling x8, birtch sapling, spruce sapling, bonemeal x128, apple x8, dirt x4, flint x8
These are freely available to players of all ranks and contain basic early-game starting items such as low-grade tools and armor, food, torches, instruction or quest books, and often a golden shovel for use in land claims as detailed in claims. They have an unlimited of uses but incur a two-hour cooldown on each use. They also may vary slightly from server to server as they are tailored to suit the modpack in question. On regular servers these kits are named "tools", and on skyblock servers these are named "starter".
Servers with HQM enabled also allow the use of /kit qbook
in addition to the kits mentioned above.
Player Commands
- Lists available kits.
/kit <kitname>
- Request named kit.
/kit tools
- Request the free "tools" kit.
/kit starter
- Request the free "starter" kit.
/kit starter
- Request the HQM quest book kit.
Admin Commands
/createkit <kitname> <cooldown>
- Create a kit.
/deletekit <kitname>
- Delete a kit.
/addtokit <kitname>
- Add held item to kit.
/idadd <itemid> <quantity>
- Add item id to kit.
/renamekit <oldkit name> <newkit name>
- Rename kit.
Themed Kits
VIP Kits