- Provide/request tasks
- Crafting tasks
- Power tasks
- Sink (storage) tasks
Chassis Modules[]
- Analyzer
- Buffer - Sink for items which can hold EU.
- CC Quicksort - ???????
- CC Remote Control - ????????
- Crafting
- Extractor - Pull from inventory.
- Manager - Charge/discharge EU items.
- Provider
- Quicksort - Pulls if destination any but default.
- Refiller - Restocks apiary after the queen dies, pure bees only.
- Sink, Aspect - Thaumcraft..
- Sink, Bee
- Sink, Creative Tab
- Sink, Enchantment
- Sink, Item
- Sink, Mod based
- Sink, Oredict
- Sink, Polymorphic - Adapts to inventory.
- Supplier, Active
- Supplier, Passive - Medium-priority destination
- Terminus
- Terminus, Drone - Low-priority destination.
- Analyzer - Destination for unanalyzed bees.
- Basic - Basic.
- Chassis - Non-basic.
- Connector - Links two logistics networks. Useful for ender chests.
- Crafting - Auto-crafting/processing. Requires logistics crafting table, optionally satellite pipe.
- Destination - Routed from entrance pipe.
- Entrance - "Tags" items for direction towards corresponding destination pipe.
- Firewall - Restricts providing, crafting, sorting and power requests.
- Liquid Basic - Passive sorting.
- Liquid Connector - Connects to liquid sources (ie. Liquid pipes from a pump) to liquid insertion pipe.
- Liquid Extractor - Liquid extraction.
- Liquid Insertion - Attached to a liquid connector or to a machine which outputs, encapsulates liquid.
- Liquid Provider - Provides liquid inventory for the network.
- Liquid Request - Request liquid from the network. Goes into attached tank.
- Liquid Satellite - Sends liquid tot he connected block when crafting operation operates.
- Liquid Supplier - Liquid inventory auto-fill.
- Orderer - Fills connected inventory on demand.
- Provider - Provides inventory for network. Configured to one item per type is useful with polymorphic.
- Request - Request items from network.
- Satellite - Used if machine has sided inputs. Requires crafting pipe.
- Sink, Bee - Bee sorting.
- Supplier - Inventory auto-fill.
- CC Remote Control - ??????????
- Crafting Byproduct Extraction
- Crafting Monitoring - Crafting manager. Requires logistics request table.
- Disconnection - Prevents pipes connecting. Compact piping.
- Fuzzy - Ignore NBT data.
- Liquid crafting - Requires liquid satellite pipe.
- Opaque - Aesthetic.
- Placement Rules - Place into specific slots. Requires supplier pipe.
- Power Supplier - Place at power source.
- Power Transportation - Permits power routing.
- Satellite, Advanced
- Sneaky - Pretends to be another side.
- Speed
- Upgrade Manager - Tool
- Crafting table - Automatic crafting facilitated.
- Crafting sign - Rclick on crafting pipe to see result of the operation.
- Disc - Macro to craft multiple items, request pipe.
- Glasses - Make these!!
- Item crad - Linking entrance and destination pipes.
- Nano hopper - Crafting material.
- Network monitor - Tool
- Power junction - Powers network. Emits RS if it requires power.
- Power provider - Transports power. Requires power transportation upgrade.
- Request table - Shows request pipe/remote orderer GUI.
- Remote Orderer- Rclick on request pipe.
- Security stations - ??????????
- Soldering Station - Machine.