DeVco Wiki


In order to join the DeVco Teamspeak server click "Connections" in the top left corner of the Teamspeak window. Click on "connect" and inside of the server address box please type in "" (without the quotes of course) And don't forget to set your nickname as the same as your In-Game Username. You can then feel free to click on "Connect"

The real ts

Joining A Channel[]

By default when you join the DeVco Teamspeak server it will put you in the "DeVco Entrance Lobby" channel. You cannot talk here. To find a channel simply scroll through the available public chat lounges or if you're looking to talk to a staff member (With their approval of course or you're friends with them) Feel free to join a staff members' channel.

PS. Don't poke any staff member on TS unless you have an actual in game issue. Otherwise please make a ticket via /ticket <reason>[]

VIP Sub-Channels[]

If you are a VIP and want your own channel on teamspeak, it's possible, you just need to have bought VIP on any server on DeVco in game via points and or donation. This process is simple. If you haven't already done so, please use /ts3sync in game (only works if your Teamspeak name is the same as it is in game) If done correctly you should have a small symbol next to your name on Teamspeak that says "VIP" (as shown)

VIP rank

If you have bought VIP and do not have this rank on teamspeak and you've already tried using /ts3sync but for some reason it is giving you an error. Please feel free to create a ticket asking for for the staff to give you your VIP rank on Teamspeak.

The channel itself[]

Upon scrolling down to the section where it says "VIP Channels" you will notice a small channel that says "VIP lounge" Once you have the correct VIP rank assigned to your name in the server, please join that channel. Upon joining the channel you should be able to right click on the channel (VIP Lounge) and click on a button that says "Create Sub-Channel" Feel free to click on that button if the option is available and make your own channel. Customize it as you wish. Have fun!

Sub channel