. Do not post any content containing or referring to:
Death, Mutilation, Obscene, and or Sexual, Racist, Offensive, Harrassing, or Bullying, Disruptive in nature, Flaming, Advertising/Recruiting, Spam, Impersonation of Staff or Owner, Illegal Content and or Copyrighted materials
2. If you are in a private channel and are asked to leave by the channel owner do so.
3. Do not harass any other team speak user.
4. Do not curse in channels that aren't specified as 18+.
5. If you have continuous voice transmission we will put you on force push-to-talk.
Keep in mind TS is not a right. It is an added bonus that has been made available to you by DeVco. If we find you abusing TS privileges we will ban you from TS.
VIP's of any rank may submit a ticket in game asking staff to create them their own locked channel that will require a password to enter. For these private channels you still must comply with the above mentioned TS rules. If you have any questions feel free to ask in game or poke us on TS.
Posted Nov 24, 14 · OP · Last edited Nov 24, 14