DeVco Wiki


Because there are so many, I decided to put them in their own article. To call the kit, type /kit <name> as it appears in the table. The items in each kit may change depending on the availability of mods in your modpack. They incur a cooldown of two weeks each. The cooldown is unique to the kit. VIPs may access all previous VIP kits in addition to their own. Data for banished is missing.

VIP Kit Availability
Accio 5
AdvNano 3
Amethyst 3 3 2
Bound 6 6 6 6
Crucio 6
Diamond 3 2 4 2 2 2 2 5 2 4 2 3 2 4
Enderium 6 56 6
EnDiamond 4 4 6 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 5 3 4 4 1
EnDiamond1 5
EnDiamond2 6
EnIron1 2
EnIron2 3
Ferrous 4
Gravi 6 6
Infused 6 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 4
Invar 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1
Iron 1 1 1 1 1 1
ManaSteel 2 4 6
Nano 4 2
Obsidian 4 4 4
Quantum 5
Steel 2
TerraSteel 5 5 6 3
Thaum 3 3 3 3
Titanium 5
VIP Kit Contents
Accio Accio Shovel, Accio Sword, Accio Axe, Accio Hoe, Accio Pickaxe, Accio Helmet, Accio Leggings, Accio Boots, Accio Chestplate
AdvNano Nano Saber, NanoSuit Boots, NanoSuit Leggings, Advanced Solar Helmet, Advanced NanoChestPlate, Advanced Diamond Drill, Advanced Lappack, Chainsaw
Amethyst Amethyst Sword, Amethyst Shovel, Amethyst Pickaxe, Amethyst Axe, Amethyst Hoe, Amethyst Helmet, Amethyst Chestplate, Amethyst Leggings, Amethyst Boots
Bound Bound Pickaxe, Bound Axe, Bound Sword, Bound Shovel, Bound Helmet, Bound Plate, Bound Leggings, Bound Boots
Crucio Crucio Shovel, Crucio Sword, Crucio Axe, Crucio Hoe, Crucio Pickaxe, Crucio Helmet, Crucio Leggings, Crucio Boots, Crucio Chestplate
Diamond Diamond Sword, Diamond Shovel, Diamond Pickaxe, Diamond Axe, Diamond Hoe, Diamond Helmet, Diamond Chestplate, Diamond Leggings, Diamond Boots
Enderium Enderium Flux Helmet, Enderium Flux Chestplate, Enderium Flux Leggings, Enderium Flux Boots, Gelid Enderium Sword, Gelid Enderium Axe, Gelid Enderium Shovel, Gelid Enderium Pickaxe
EnDiamond Diamond Sword -Sharpness V, Looting III, Fire Aspect II, Diamond Shovel -Unbreaking III, Fortune III, Efficiency V, Diamond Pickaxe -Unbreaking III, Fortune III, Efficiency V, Diamond Axe -Unbreaking III, Fortune III, Efficiency V, Diamond Hoe -Unbreaking III, Diamond Helmet -Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Fire Protection IV, Diamond Chestplate -Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Fire Protection IV, Diamond Leggings -Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Fire Protection IV, Diamond Boots -Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Fire Protection IV
EnDiamond1 Diamond Sword -Sharpness I, Looting I, Fire Aspect I, Diamond Shovel -Unbreaking I, Fortune I, Efficiency I, Diamond Pickaxe -Unbreaking I, Fortune I, Efficiency I, Diamond Axe -Unbreaking I, Fortune I, Efficiency I, Diamond Hoe -Unbreaking I, Diamond Helmet -Unbreaking I, Protection I, Fire Protection I, Diamond Chestplate -Unbreaking I, Protection I, Fire Protection I, Diamond Leggings -Unbreaking I, Protection I, Fire Protection I, Diamond Boots -Unbreaking I, Protection I, Fire Protection I
EnDiamond2 Diamond Sword -Sharpness V, Looting III, Fire Aspect II, Diamond Shovel -Unbreaking III, Fortune III, Efficiency V, Diamond Pickaxe -Unbreaking III, Fortune III, Efficiency V, Diamond Axe -Unbreaking III, Fortune III, Efficiency V, Diamond Hoe -Unbreaking III, Diamond Helmet -Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Fire Protection IV, Diamond Chestplate -Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Fire Protection IV, Diamond Leggings -Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Fire Protection IV, Diamond Boots -Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Fire Protection IV
EnIron1 Iron Sword -Sharpness I, Looting I, Fire Aspect I, Iron Shovel -Unbreaking I, Fortune I, Efficiency I, Iron Pickaxe -Unbreaking I, Fortune I, Efficiency I, Iron Axe -Unbreaking I, Fortune I, Efficiency I, Iron Hoe -Unbreaking I, Iron Helmet -Unbreaking I, Protection I, Fire Protection I, Iron Chestplate -Unbreaking I, Protection I, Fire Protection I, Iron Leggings -Unbreaking I, Protection I, Fire Protection I, Iron Boots -Unbreaking I, Protection I, Fire Protection I
EnIron2 Iron Sword -Sharpness V, Looting III, Fire Aspect II, Iron Shovel -Unbreaking III, Fortune III, Efficiency V, Iron Pickaxe -Unbreaking III, Fortune III, Efficiency V, Iron Axe -Unbreaking III, Fortune III, Efficiency V, Iron Hoe -Unbreaking III, Iron Helmet -Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Fire Protection IV, Iron Chestplate -Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Fire Protection IV, Iron Leggings -Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Fire Protection IV, Iron Boots -Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Fire Protection IV
Ferrous Ferrous Sword, Ferrous Shovel, Ferrous Pickaxe, Ferrous Axe, Ferrous Hoe, Ferrous Helmet, Ferrous Armor, Ferrous Leggings, Ferrous Boots
Gravi QuantumSuit Boots, QuantumSuit Leggings, GraviChestPlate, Ultimate Solar Helmet, Iridium Drill, Ultimate Lappack, Advanced Chainsaw, Vajra
Infused Flux-Infused Helm, Flux-Infused Chestplate, Flux-Infused Leggings, Flux-Infused Boots, Flux-Infused Sword, Flux-Infused Axe, Flux-Infused Shovel, Flux-Infused Pickaxe
Invar Invar Sword, Invar Shovel, Invar Pickaxe, Invar Axe, Invar Hoe, Invar Helmet, Invar Armor, Invar Leggings, Invar Boots
Iron Iron Helmet, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots, Iron Chestplate, 2x Iron Axe Head, 2x Iron Shovel Head, Iron Pickaxe Head, Iron Binding, Iron Sword Blade, Iron Wide Guard, 5x Iron Tool Rod, Tool Forge
ManaSteel Manasteel Chestplate, Manasteel Leggings, Manasteel Boots, Manasteel Helmet, Manasteel Sword, Manasteel Shovel, Manasteel Pickaxe, Manasteel Axe, Manasteel Shears
Nano Nano Saber, NanoSuit Boots, NanoSuit Leggings, NanoSuit Bodyarmor, NanoSuit Helmet, Diamond Drill, Advanced Lappack, Electric Jetpack, Solar Helmet
Obsidian Obsidian Helmet, Obsidian Chestplate, Obsidian Leggings, Obsidian Boots, Obsidian Sword, Obsidian Paxel, Obsidian Hoe
Quantum QuantumSuit Boots, QuantumSuit Leggings, QuantumSuit Bodyarmor, Hybrid Solar Helmet, Advanced Diamond Drill, Ultimate Lappack, Advanced Chainsaw
Steel Steel Chestplate, Steel Leggings, Steel Boots, Steel Helmet, 4x Steel Tool Rod, Obsidian Binding, Steel Shovel Head, Steel Sword Blade, Steel Axe Head, Steel Pickaxe Head, Obsidian Wideguard, Steel Shears
TerraSteel Terra Blade, Terra Shatterer, Terrasteel Helmet, Terrasteel Chestplate, Terrasteel Leggings, Terrasteel Boots
Thaum Thaumium Chestplate, Thaumium Leggings, Thaumium Boots, Thaumium Helmet, Thaumium Sword, Thaumium Shovel, Thaumium Pickaxe, Thaumium Hoe, Thaumium Axe
Titanium Titanium Sword, Titanium Shove, Titanium Pickaxe, Titanium Axe, Titanium Hoe, Titanium Helmet, Titanium Chestplate, Titanium Leggings, Titanium Boots


VIP Perks
Rank Biome* Hunger loss* Bonus chunks Bonus claim blocks Bonus homes Bonus money** Bonus XP Offline chunks
VIP-stone Mushroom 75.00% 50 4000 8 $5000 8
VIP-iron Mushroom 75.00% 50 8000 8 $10000 16
VIP-gold Hell 50.00% 75 16000 16 $20000 32
VIP-lapis Hell 50.00% 75 32000 16 $40000 64
VIP-diamond Sky 25.00% 75 64000 32 $80000 128 27
VIP-emerald Sky 25.00% 75 128000 32 $160000 256 27
*Applies only to skyblock servers
**Applies to type-a servers (CC, DEP, DEV, DW, INF, PF, RRM, TDT, TPPI, Vanilla, otherwise divide by 10).
VIP Access
Rank Commands* Access Sub transfer
VIP-stone /ch vip, /echest, /craft TC arcane bore Gold+
VIP-iron /feed, /fly Gold+
VIP-gold /weather, /kittycannon CC turtles Silver+
VIP-lapis /top, /lightning Silver+
VIP-diamond /time Witchery poppet shelf, AE2 spacial IO Silver+
VIP-emerald /jump Silver+


VIP's of any rank may submit a ticket in game asking staff to create them their own locked channel that will require a password to enter. If you have any questions feel free to ask in game or poke us on TS.

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